CASDA statisticians have expertise in multiple areas of statistics. We provide support in all phases of research projects including planning, analysis, and reporting (manuscript, report, or visualization and web application). Complex projects are often handled by a teams of experts with complementary skills. 

Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

A: The service will be provided free of charge if you’re students or in the college/school that MOU with CASDA. For more information, please contact the director.

A: We will discuss the type of the study and the research questions. If data have already been collected, we may be able to discuss the procedures for data analysis also. In the latter case, it may be helpful if you brought the data stored in a removable medium.

A: We recommend that you put together materials that will help us understand your study. A list of research questions and the information about available resources (e.g., subject pool, budget) and timeframe will be important. If data have already been collected, bringing them in a portable form may also be helpful.

A: Yes. In fact, we encourage our clients to consult us in a fairly early stage of the research. That way, we can ensure that the design of the experiment and the collected data are appropriate to answer the research questions.

A: Yes we do when we are available.

A: No. However, there may be such a service available for a fee basis outside our Center. We are happy to offer advice on how the tasks can be accomplished.

A: It depends on the complexity of your study. For a relatively simple study, a client may need only one consultation. For a large-scale study, we will be glad to provide on-going assistance to the client throughout the project period.

A: We do not provide help on course project and assignment. Please contact your course instructor and TA.

A: Yes. Please note that our goal is to provide necessary and appropriate assistance in the design of the study and data analysis so that your dissertation/project goes smoothly.

A: Yes. We encourage our clients to follow the common practice and courtesy in this regard.

A: Yes if the faculty advisor of the project submits the request and attend at least the first meeting.

A: IATS computer sites on MU campus have common statistical packages (e.g., The SAS System, SPSS, MINITAB) installed. For more information, please visit

A: Most statistical packages should perform all basic- to intermediate-level statistical analyses. We, the Center staff, are familiar with R/RStudio, the SAS System,  SPSS, and STATA.